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West becoming tired of financial support to Ukraine: Moscow

 Published: 11:02, 6 November 2023

West becoming tired of financial support to Ukraine: Moscow

The United States and Europe are becoming tired of the Ukrainian issue and the financial burden of supporting Kiev, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with Rossiya-1 TV channel's journalist Pavel Zarubin.

"Both America and Europe are becoming tired of the Ukrainian issue as such, of the Kiev regime and of, let's say, the burden they are carrying. I mean the financial support to the Ukrainian regime and arms supplies," according to an excerpt of the interview published on Zarubin's Telegram channel.

Supporting Ukraine is becoming an excess burden for the West, the Kremlin Spokesmansaid.

"All this is turning into an excess burden at some point, which it is no longer able to carry. This is why both the [US] establishment, and politicians, economists become tired of the burden that should be carried, of course," he said.