Smart Economy

Write for us of smarteconomy24

Have an analysis or opinion to share? We welcome your insight.

Like many contributor-based platforms, we welcome all diverging viewpoints even if they aren’t necessarily popular.

If you are a seasoned professional or a recent college graduate or just entering college for the first time, and would enjoy writing for an online journal then SmartEconomy24 welcomes your submissions. If you wish to contribute to SmartEconomy24, shoot us an email at Info@SmartEconomy and News@SmartEconomy with “Submission” in the subject. Note that we don't pay for submissions.

SmartEconomy24 is seeking fact-based analysis with either anecdotal evidence or direct citations to back up any opinions and analysis within your articles.

Any attached articles must be in Word and single-spaced with any hyperlinks either already included or below the main body of your work. We generally prefer to publish articles that are in the range of 800 to 1,200 words. One of our editors will proof-read your peice before final publication. Importantly, documents MUST be saved in Word Document (.doc) format.