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Despite aid bill Ukraine will ‘collapse anyway': US Billionaire warns

 Update: 15:09, 21 April 2024

Despite aid bill Ukraine will ‘collapse anyway': US Billionaire warns

The collapse of Ukraine is inevitable, despite the US House of Representatives having passed a foreign aid package that includes $61 billion in aid for Ukraine, American entrepreneur David Sacks wrote on the X social media platform.

“These scenes of celebration are going to look particularly foolish when Ukraine collapses anyway. The federal government can print more money; it can’t just print more artillery shells and air defense missiles,” the investor wrote, reacting to the jubilant scene in the House, where some of the lawmakers were seen waving Ukrainian flags. He continued by saying, “And I should have added, they can’t print more soldiers.”

The post by Sacks was in reply to a similarly deprecatory one by GOP Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, who posted footage from the House after the bill was passed, commenting that, “they vote to send more of your hard-earned money to a corrupt foreign regime. And just like that they shout 'UKRAINE! UKRAINE!' while happily working to secure Ukraine’s borders, not ours.”

The billionaire investor pointed out in his thread on X that, “It’s not “just” $61 billion. Ukraine will need massive annual cash infusions to stave off total defeat. So it’s $61 billion as the baseline for an annual appropriation in a new forever war.”

He pointed out that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars also began with “annual appropriations in the $60bn range. Those wars ended up costing trillions.”
“Simple math,” the investor remarked, showed that the new funding bill could do no more than possibly buy Ukraine “precisely half of a Summer Counteroffensive.”

And, of course, everyone knows full well how that much-heralded counteroffensive attempt ended up last year – limited battlefield achievements coupled with massive manpower and hardware losses.

According to Sacks, it is a bizarre world, where “If you vote to send our money abroad while waving a foreign flag, you’ll be called an American patriot. If you vote to keep our money at home to fund domestic priorities like the border, you’ll be called a foreign agent.”

The entrepreneur recalled that according to US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, “CIA Director Burns had to warn [Ukraine’s President Volodymyr] Zelensky to stop stealing so much money. His subordinates were angry that he wasn’t sharing the spoils.”

“Do you think that problem has been resolved and Zelensky will share more this time?” queried David Sacks.

SpaceX founder and tech mogul Elon Musk also weighed in on the post made by Sacks, commenting that his “biggest concern” was that “there is no exit strategy, just a forever war.”

On Saturday, the US House of Representatives passed legislation to provide aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. The legislation, which now heads to the Senate, contains $60.84 billion in Ukraine-related aid, specifically: $23.3 billion to replenish defense articles and services provided to Ukraine, $13.8 billion for the procurement of advanced weapons systems, and $11.3 billion for US military operations in the region. The bill also includes a measure to provide long-range Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) to Ukraine.

Furthermore, the House also passed what is called the REPO Act, which will allow the Biden administration to transfer illegally frozen Russian sovereign assets to Ukraine.

David Sacks previously joined the chorus of voices warning about a possible threat of World War Three breaking out against the backdrop of the West’s efforts to push forward with sending military support to Ukraine, something that fuels NATO’s ongoing proxy war with Russia.

The US should "cut a deal" and seek detente with Russia to provide a baseline for world peace, the American investor noted at a gala for the Republican think tank American Moment in Washington in March. During the speech, the 51-year­-old also made the case that the US’ involvement in the Ukraine conflict had finally proved to be a failure. He blamed Washington for prolonging the standoff and slapping sanctions on Russia.

"The idea that sanctions are working is totally delusional. The Russian economy stabilized and even outperformed G7 economies in 2023," the venture capitalist stressed.

Sacks insisted that a "real victim" of the sanctions was Europe, adding that the population of the continent "has realized that this [NATO proxy] war [with Russia] is not in their interests."

The US Senate will vote on Tuesday on bills to aid allies, including Ukraine, as well as on an initiative to seize Russian assets, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said after the package passed the House.

In response, Russia warned that another batch of US military assistance to Kiev would further enrich the United States, while ruining Ukraine and killing Ukrainians. The US will also have to answer in the event of confiscating Russian sovereign assets, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, adding that the move would hurt the United States’ image abroad.