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Plotters against Bangladesh are still on track

Dr. Pranab Kumar Panday

 Update: 09:55, 26 May 2024

Plotters against Bangladesh are still on track

Bangladesh, a country that gained independence from the oppressive rule of Pakistan, has encountered several conspiracies designed to undermine its autonomy and development. The courageous fight for autonomy in 1971, spearheaded by the resolute Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, signified the establishment of a country resolved to define its path. Nevertheless, the journey towards progress and stability has been hindered by the obstacles presented by several clandestine factions.

Notwithstanding these obstacles, Bangladesh has achieved significant progress, especially under the guidance of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina throughout the last 15 years. However, there have been recent efforts to damage the reputation of Bangladeshi peacekeepers, indicating that there are still those plotting against them. This requires a united and determined effort to combat these malicious operations.

Since its establishment as a sovereign state, Bangladesh has always faced targeted conspiracies to disrupt its government and obstruct its development. Following the attainment of independence, the newly formed nation had challenges originating both inside and externally. Multiple political factions, vestiges of the previous government, and external stakeholders endeavored to capitalize on the vulnerable condition of the nation. Notwithstanding these challenges, the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman established the groundwork for a resilient and future-oriented nation.

In its initial years, Bangladesh faced the formidable challenge of reconstructing a country devastated by conflict. Conspiracies materialized in political assassinations, coups, and economic devastation. The killing of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with most of his family members in 1975 was a clear indication of the extreme measures the conspirators were willing to take to disrupt the stability of the country. During this era, a succession of military coups and political instability occurred, which further impeded the nation's advancement.

Sheikh Hasina's rise to the position of prime minister was a significant milestone in Bangladesh's progress. Her leadership has played a crucial role in guiding the country towards unparalleled economic expansion and progress. In the last 15 years, Bangladesh has seen a remarkable transformation, transitioning from a low-income to a middle-income nation. This progress is evident in the notable achievements made in terms of economic growth, education, and healthcare. Notwithstanding these accomplishments, clandestine factions have persistently attempted to subvert the government.

Bangladesh has had significant economic advancement under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina. The nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate has regularly ranked among the highest globally, mostly due to a strong manufacturing industry, namely in textiles and apparel. The government has enacted policies to reduce poverty, promote gender equality, and enhance infrastructure. Considerable progress has been achieved in enhancing the availability of education and healthcare, resulting in the elevation of millions from poverty.

Notwithstanding these accomplishments, a certain segment of society persists in attempting to undermine the credibility of the government. These factions, sometimes supported by external forces, utilize diverse strategies to hinder the advancement of the nation. Their tactics encompass the dissemination of false information, incitement of political turmoil, and deliberate efforts to sow divisions within the fabric of society. The current defamation campaign against Bangladeshi troops serves as a prominent illustration of such conspiratorial endeavors.

Bangladesh's involvement in UN peacekeeping operations has been a cause for national pride. The nation's peacekeepers are well recognized for their exceptional professionalism, unwavering devotion, and remarkable efficacy in areas of conflict around the globe. Nevertheless, a recent report released by an international media organization has sought to damage this well-established image by claiming that persons connected to previous acts of extreme violence have been assigned to peacekeeping operations.

According to the study, the Bangladeshi government has sent personnel with a documented record of cruelty to serve as peacekeepers. This allegation not only intends to tarnish the government but also tries to weaken the reputation of Bangladeshi peacekeepers on the global stage. Unfounded accusations can have significant ramifications, including endangering the country's reputation in the United Nations and impacting its involvement in global peace initiatives.

The precise timing and specific nature of these charges indicate a deliberate and coordinated attempt to undermine the stability of the government. The underlying motivations behind such claims frequently stem from a need to sow conflict and undermine the government's standing, both within the country and on the global stage. The conspirators want to undermine popular confidence in the government and its policies by questioning the integrity of Bangladeshi peacekeepers.

Given the existence of these conspiracies, both the government and the citizens of Bangladesh must take a united position. To counter these initiatives, a comprehensive response is necessary, which involves employing diplomatic, informational, and legal methods.

The government should actively collaborate with international organizations, such as the United Nations, to confront and disprove these accusations. There is a need to increase diplomatic efforts to highlight the high level of professionalism and commitment demonstrated by Bangladeshi troops. Through the enhancement of alliances and the promotion of international collaboration, Bangladesh can effectively oppose the dissemination of negative narratives by those engaging in conspiratorial activities. Amidst the era of abundant knowledge, the struggle against conspiracies frequently takes place within the digital domain. The government ought to allocate resources towards bolstering its information warfare skills to successfully combat disinformation and propaganda. This entails creating a strong media presence, utilizing social media platforms, and actively interacting with foreign media to portray accurate and favorable accounts of the country's accomplishments and contributions.

Individuals and groups involved in acts that seek to weaken the state should face legal action. It is essential to enhance the institutional structures for monitoring and countering subversive activity. This includes bolstering the capacities of intelligence agencies, guaranteeing openness in government activities, and cultivating a culture of responsibility.

The transformation of Bangladesh from the devastating effects of war to a prosperous nation is a clear demonstration of the tenacity and will of its citizens and government. Despite encountering several plots aimed at undermining the stability of the nation, Bangladesh has consistently advanced, especially under the guidance of Sheikh Hasina.

Nevertheless, the current efforts to damage the reputation of Bangladeshi peacekeepers underscore the continued presence and determination of conspirators. To protect the nation's accomplishments and maintain ongoing advancement, it is imperative to make a unified and determined endeavor to counteract these conspiracies. To counteract attempts to undermine its sovereignty and stability, Bangladesh can fortify its diplomatic connections, bolster its information warfare capabilities, and enforce stringent legal restrictions.

Writer: Dr. Pranab Kumar Panday, Professor in the Department of Public Administration at the University of Rajshahi.

Source: Daily Asian Age.